Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.
Sát Thủ Người Máy
Quốc gia: Phim Anh
Đạo diễn: Caradog W. James
Diễn viên: Caity LotzDenis LawsonHelen GriffinJade CrootJohn-Paul MacleodJonathan ByrnePooneh HajimohammadiSam HazeldineSiwan MorrisToby Stephens
Thể loại: Phim Khoa Học, Phim Viễn Tưởng
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